• The Dark Fear

    Achluophobia can always be overcome...

The Dark Fear

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Trusted, Effective Treatment for The Dark Fear.

If just thinking it causes you to start to feel the fear, it’s time you did something about it. The good news is that we have never met a case of the dark fear that could not be overcome.

If you are now ready to have this over and done with, here’s what you can expect from us:

  • Significant progress overcoming the dark fear in just 24 hours
  • Complete confidentiality and privacy
  • Clients in 70+ countries have put their trust in CTRN

The Next Step

We’ve developed two programs based on how much help you need. You can choose to experience the Home Study program (going at your own pace on your own time), or choose to work one-on-one with a highly-qualified practitioner:

Home-Study Program: Vanquish Fear & Anxiety

Order as Boxed CD’s & Workbook or Download the Program Now

• Start Immediately by Downloading Now

• Work in Private at Your Own Pace

Learn More >

One-on-One ‘VIP’ Program

Custom Program Developed for you by Your Expert Practitioner

• Private Sessions with Board-Certified Specialist

• Wide range of Proven Techniques to Eradicate Your Fear

Learn More >

or Compare the Two Programs

Getting rid of The Dark Fear: How It Works

It is all about learning to redirect your unconscious mind, which sounds like a lot but is easier than you may think. On the surface, you know that this business with darkness doesn’t make sense. But it affects you because your unconscious mind has associated darkness with fear and perhaps a bunch of other negative emotions and they get triggered automatically – like clockwork – every time.

Until now, you just haven’t had the techniques for re-programming those connections. We’re here to give you give you what you need to take back control. Interested in putting these techniques to use?

It’s Time to Vanquish Your The Dark Fear: Treatment & Cure

We don’t, in point of fact, ‘treat’, nor do we ‘cure’. The only person with the authority to change your awareness is you. We’re going to walk you through the process that helps you re-program that tricky subconscious thinking.

This system is going to help you overcome anger, sadness, fear and other negative feelings and help you replace those feelings with more positive ones. You know what living with your fear has done to your quality of life. You can decide that it’s time for the negative feelings to change.

Vanquish The Dark Fear Today.

Risk Factors & Causes for Achluophobia

You may have correctly assumed (although there are always exceptions), that your The Dark Fear is triggered from a past experience. Your fear may also seem to come out of no where – with no memory you can think of. By exposing the root cause, you will be able to remedy the problem by easily exchanging harmful triggers. People who are at the greatest risk include:

• People with a general tendency towards fear and anxiety

• One who seems to be ‘high-strung’
• People suffering from adrenal insufficiency

Do you feel as if even one of these represents you? You can see testimonials from individuals who know our our capability to make a difference.

Or, see what the media has to say.

Diagnosing Your Phobia

Use our 2 minute The Dark Fear Online Analysis to discover the magnitude of the problem for you, but it is pretty simple. If this phobia is having a significant negative impact on your life, its time to do something about it.

  • At the mere mention of Darkness, do you develop nausea?
  • Do you instantly get dry mouth and moist palms?
  • Does your heart beat like a drum?
  • Do your legs turn to rubber under the weight of your own body?

Those are just a few of the symptoms. Read more on the symptoms of the dark fear.

We not only help you deal with the symptom you experience, but we find the cause. This is what CTRN is all about

Prescription Drugs & Medications


We strongly believe that drugs are not a good solution for any Achluophobe, but you should always follow your physician’s advice with regard to drugs/meds and The Dark Fear. A pill can sometimes act as a quick fix and may seem to help briefly but will not allow you to be free of the fear.

By the way – no one has ever developed a drug exclusively for The Dark Fear – When looking for an answer, maybe you should think about possible side effects before turning to prescription drugs.

The good news is with our help, you will conquer your The Dark Fear, without drugs..

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