• Money Fear

    Plutophobia can always be overcome...

Money Fear

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Trusted, Effective Treatment for Money Fear.

If just thinking it causes you to start to feel the fear, it’s time you did something about it. The good news is that we have never met a case of money fear that could not be overcome.

If you are now ready to have this over and done with, here’s what you can expect from us:

  • A noticeable improvement, often a major one, in less than 24 hours
  • Absolute anonymity and complete discretion
  • Clients in over 70 countries around the world

How Do You Get Started?

We can help you two ways. We have the Home Study program (where you can go at your own speed), or you can work with a board-certified expert practitioner in our one-on-one program:

Home-Study Program: Vanquish Fear & Anxiety

Download Now or Order as shipped CD’s and Workbook

• Get Underway Instantly & Download Now

• Work Privately on Your Own Time

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One-on-One ‘VIP’ Program

Customized Program with your own very Experienced Practitioner

• Board-Certified Practitioner

• Advanced Techniques to Eliminate Underlying Fear

Learn More >

or Compare the Two Programs

How the Program Works: Getting Over Money Fear

Bottom line? Your subconscious mind needs to be re-trained. On the surface, you know that this business with wealth doesn’t make sense. But the fear remains because, with even just a thought of wealth, your subconscious mind triggers fear and other negative emotions.

You have not been able to prevent your feelings of fear because you have not been given the methodology to change your feelings and associations. We are here to teach you on how to use the right techniques to vanquish the fear forever. Interested in putting these techniques to use?

It’s Time to Vanquish Your Money Fear: Treatment & Cure

Here’s the thing, our system does not treat or cure your fear. Modifying your awareness is a technique you have to learn to master for yourself. We’re going to walk you through the process that helps you re-program that tricky subconscious thinking.

The process educates you with exact steps on how you gain self-confidence, calm and happiness, as well as proven methods to overcome anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt and anxiety. Time to say enough is enough. You can’t live your life in fear anymore – it’s time to change.

Vanquish Money Fear Today.

Risk Factors & Causes for Plutophobia

The root cause of Money Fear is often (but not always) traumatic incident in the past. The mind will, in some situations, generate the fear without an apparent cause. To locate the foundation, and substitute encouraging connections in place of the negative ones, is the solution. Those at greatest risk include:

• People with a general tendency towards fear and anxiety

• People characterized as skittish, energetic, easily upset, nervous
• People suffering from adrenal insufficiency

Do you feel as if even one of these represents you? To find out what others are saying about our ability to help, click here.

Would you like to read about us in the media instead?

The Warning Signs You Should be Looking For

Use our 2 minute Money Fear Online Analysis to discover the magnitude of the problem for you, but it is pretty simple. Now is the point in time to take control, if the fear is considerably taking over your life, in a negative way.

  • Do you become sick at the simple thought of Wealth?
  • Does your mouth go dry and your palms get sweaty?
  • Does your heart feel like it’s going to pound right out of your chest?
  • Do your legs go weak?

Those were only a handful of examples of the feelings you might suffer. Click to find out more about the symptoms of money fear.

We not only help you deal with the symptom you experience, but we find the cause. That’s why we’re here

Drugs and Prescriptions


We strongly believe that drugs are not a good solution for any Plutophobe, but you should always follow your physician’s advice with regard to drugs/meds and Money Fear. Pills might help you cope with your Money Fear but only in the short term – they will not, in reality, help you eliminate it forever.

There is no drug specifically for Money Fear – and with so many potential side effects, who wants to risk taking medication as a solution?

The good news is with our program, your Money Fear will be history, without resorting to meds..

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