• Houses Phobia

    Oikophobia can always be overcome...

Houses Phobia

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A Permanent Solution to Houses Phobia.

Feelings of dread? Overwhelming thoughts? Rapid heartbeat? Tunnel Vision? Or worse? Since 2002 we have worked with countless folks from all walks of life and we have never met a case of houses phobia that could not be overcome.

Here is what we offer:

  • Significant progress overcoming houses phobia in just 24 hours
  • Absolute anonymity and complete discretion
  • We’ve helped people from 70+ countries vanquish their fear

How to Get Started

There are two programs we offer to help you overcome houses phobia fast. If you’re a self-motivated person, our Home Study program will work great for you – or get one-on-one help with the ‘VIP’ program:

Home-Study Program: Vanquish Fear & Anxiety

CD’s and Workbook $147 or Download for $137

• Get Underway Instantly & Download Now

• Privately Work at Your Own Speed

Learn More >

One-on-One ‘VIP’ Program

Custom Program Developed for you by Your Expert Practitioner

• Board-Certified Practitioner

• Wide range of Proven Techniques to Eradicate Your Fear

Learn More >

or Compare the Two Programs

Getting rid of Houses Phobia: How It Works

Bottom line? Your subconscious mind needs to be re-trained. On the surface, you know that this business with the home doesn’t make sense. The fear persists because it is subconsciously linked to a mental trigger which sets off a whole range of powerful negative emotions – fear leading the charge of course – at even the slightest thought of the home. Its become an automatic response.

Until now, you just haven’t had the techniques for re-programming those connections. We’ll help you learn this simple system to make the fear history. Are you ready to get started?

When You’re Searching for Treatments and Cures to Vanquish Your Houses Phobia

Here’s the thing, our system does not treat or cure your fear. As much as we’d like to wave a magic wand and ‘cure’ you, it’s actually up to you to change how you feel. Quite simply, we are here to hold your hand through this method of self-empowerment.

This process has proven procedures for overcoming rage, fear, depression, remorse and feelings of apprehension and helps you gain self-assurance, peace and happiness. Time to say enough is enough. You can decide that it’s time for the negative feelings to change.

Vanquish Houses Phobia Today.

Instigators and Risk Factors for Houses Phobia

An really disturbing incident from the past, is often (though, not always) the root cause of Houses Phobia. The fear can be manufactured by the brain, in some circumstances, with seemingly no foundation. You resolve this issue by discovering the source and trading the negative correlations with positive ones. Those most at risk are:

• Those with a tendency to feel anxious and panicky

• One who seems to be ‘high-strung’
• One who is dealing with adrenal insufficiency

Any of those portray you? See what others like you are saying about working with us.

Or, if you prefer, read about us in the media.

How to Know If This System is for You

Use our 2 minute Houses Phobia Online Analysis to discover the magnitude of the problem for you, but it is pretty simple. The time to act is now, if this phobia is causing negativity in your life.

  • At the mere mention of The Home, do you develop nausea?
  • Does it automatically initiate sticky hands and a mouth that is made of cotton?
  • Does your heart begin to pound?
  • Do your legs turn to rubber under the weight of your own body?

Those are just a few of the symptoms. Read more on the symptoms of houses phobia.

We can help you get rid of not just the symptoms, but the cause. This is what we do

Drugs & Medication


The use of drugs and medication for Houses Phobia is not encouraged in our program because they generally mask the problem, rather than tackling the cause. A pill can sometimes act as a quick fix and may seem to help briefly but will not allow you to be free of the fear.

By the way – no one has ever developed a drug exclusively for Houses Phobia – so it’s hard to justify popping a pill as a healthy solution with all the uncertainty that surrounds potential side effects.

The good news is with our system you will vanquish your Houses Phobia, without drugs..

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