Program Benefits

  • Confidential sessions with Board Certified practitioner
  • Conducted via telephone in the privacy of your home
  • Fast, effective, permanent results

Prospective clients always ask, “Will this work for me?”

Based on the feedback of the hundreds that have succeeded with the program since 2002, the answer is yes, this will work for you …and it will change your life in the process.

If you haven’t already done so watch this 7 minute extract of a recent independent TV documentary on one of our toughest cases of extreme fear.

How much more could you accomplish if you were able to unlock your true potential? This is the quickest, most effective way to find out.

Understanding Germ Fear

The best way to rid yourself of germ fear is to work one-on-one with a specialist trained in this particular area of expertise. Our practitioners understand what is going on inside your mind; exactly why it is that germs has been triggering such a powerful response… and how to stop it.

They have years of experience dealing with the internal mechanisms that cause you to react to a certain stimulus in a particular way.

Together you and your practitioner will:

  1. Identify the root cause behind your germ fear and establish a foundation for rapid change
  2. Use a process called anchoring – along with a suite of other gentle yet extremely powerful processes – to create a neutral or even a positive response where before you felt fear.
  3. Employ Time Line Therapy™ to rebuild your mind’s perception of past experiences and future expectations.

But we’re not just highly-skilled practitioners, we’re people too. Sympathetic, caring, relentless people who spend all day, every day helping people like you overcome their fears. Would you like to see what we look like and learn more about us?

Germ Fear VIP Program: Process at a Glance

Step 1:

Introduction and information exchange. You contact us and explain your situation and we go over
the program in detail. We set up the online ‘paperwork’ necessary for becoming a client.

Step 2:

You complete a questionnaire & booking form and we schedule a time for your first session with a practitioner.

Step 3:

First session begins when your practitioner contacts you at the agreed upon time. You spend 1.5
hours discussing your personal history and major influences on your life, and developing the action plan. Homework starts today.

Step 4:

Second session. This session revolves around the relationship between mind and body and both understanding the biochemical interaction taking place that has been taking place, and how to change it. You’ll go through more exercises with your practitioner and will likely already be noticing significant shifts in the way you feel.

Step 5:

Third session. Now you build on the foundation carefully laid in sessions one and two. You and your practitioner will discuss specific actions for eliminating your fears and anxieties.

Step 6:

Fourth session. This 1.5-hour session – which may be the last you need – establishes a solid, positive foundation for your future. You set measurable goals and your practitioner gives you 21 hours of training and exercises for becoming phobia-free.

Step 7:

Further Sessions if Required. This program is so effective that many clients find they need just a handful of sessions to rid themselves of germ fear permanently. But every case is different. If you need more, we schedule it and keep working until the problem is history.

Step 8:

Daily Progress Reports & Ongoing Support. You email your practitioner daily progress, and feedback is provided as needed until your 21 hours of training and exercises are complete. We’re here for you whenever you need us throughout the process and any time after that.

Step Forward:

Your germ fear-free life begins! (Note: The 21 hours is a benchmark. Many people eliminate their fears and phobias much sooner; a very few require longer.)

If you feel you are now ready to change, just give us a call.

The bottom line is that germ fear can unquestionably be eliminated: getting rid of fears like this is what we do every day. If you have the fear, please join us in the VIP Program.

Next Action

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VIP Program not perfect for you?
More economical and with instant download, perhaps:
Vanquish Fear & Anxiety for Germ Fear is right for you. Learn More >

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